Chaotic Creativity for Business Owners

By Weirdos, For Weirdos

So you started your business thinking that each and every day would be full of joy, fun, and creativity.

And then you realised it’s actually really hard work running a business.

All your creative energy is spent creating things for other people.

You’re feeling drained and uninspired rather than invigorated and full of ideas.

You’re no longer in love with the work that used to bring you so much happiness.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you could fall back in love with your business?

What if you could reconnect back to the reason why you started this in the first place?

Has your hobby just turned into something that makes you money? (And hey, making money is no bad thing!)

Do you dream of taking up a new hobby altogether to bring back some of that fresh gorgeous creative energy that you’ve been lacking?

Do you want to create just for yourself rather than other people?


I’m Caitlin, and I’m a Creativity Coach and Cheerleader ✨

Let’s say hi to joy and bye to overwhelm, shall we?

Here’s how we can work together.

  • Co-Creativity Club

    It’s co-working, but not as you know it! Bring along whatever project you like and let’s have some fun.

    Join the crew today for your weekly date of co-creating.

  • The Joy Store

    This is where you can find my one off events, like crafternoons and workshops, as well as other goodies designed to ignite your creativity.


Follow me on Instagram for creative inpiration galore 🎨